How to Make a Claim

At Chubb Arabia, we always strive to process claims as quickly as possible. To avoid delay and to ensure your claim is handled promptly and efficiently, we have provided this useful guide on what to do if you wish to make a claim.

What to do in the event of a Claim
  • For Emergency assistance, please contact the Chubb Assistance Line +966138047695 Immediately for specific assistance for any travel emergency or if you need to be admitted to a hospital.
  • For all other claims, please advise us within 30 days of the incident giving rise to a claim.
  • You must submit all supporting documentation and proof of loss.
  • For liability claims do not make any admission or offer. Request the claim against you be put in writing.
  • For flight or luggage delays, a document must be obtained from the airline to confirm the delay period and reason for the delay.
  • Immediately (within 24 hours) report any checked-in baggage loss or theft to airline or the carrier involved and submit a claim to them. In some instances they may be responsible for damage and/or loss. Please also obtain a loss/damage Baggage Report from the Airline Representative.
  • Report any other baggage loss or theft to the local authority/police and retain the police report for your records to submit with claim form.
  • All losses under Travel Documents must be reported to local authorities and written acknowledgment obtained.
How to Submit Your Claim

At Chubb Arabia we always strive to process claims as quickly as possible. To avoid delay and to ensure your claims is handled efficiently:

  1. All claims need to be submitted to us within 30 days of the date of incident giving rise to a claim.
  2. Download the Claim Form and complete in full.
  3. Collate and attach your proof of loss documentation. An outline of the required proof of loss documentation is below.
  4. Email the completed claim form and proof of loss documentation to
  5. Please send the original claim form and the original documents proving the loss to the following address (and keep a copy of it):

Chubb Arabia Cooperative Insurance Company,
Seventh Floor, Al Khobar Gate Business Tower,
King Faisal Bin Abdulaziz Road (Coastal Road)
P.O. B. 2685, Khobar 31952
Tel: +966 (0) 13 849 3633
Fax: +966 (0) 13 849 3660
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Supporting Documents and Proof of Loss:

For all claims the following documents are required:

  • Completed Claim form
  • Flight booking confirmation and itinerary.

In addition to the above documents, the following will also be required depending on the type of claim you are submitting. For additional information, please refer below:-

Benefit Being Claimed For Proof of Loss Document
Personal Accident: Accidental Death
  • Copy of death certificate & copy of post mortem report.
Personal Accident: Permanent Total Disablement or
Personal Accident: Loss of Limbs or eyes
  • Medical practitioner’s statement
Medical Expenses
  • Medical report; and
  • Proof of cost (e.g. doctor’s invoice/receipt)
Flight Cancellation or
Flight Curtailment
  • Any documentation that supports the unforeseen circumstances that led to the cancellation or curtailment (e.g. a Medical Report)
Travel Delay
  • Notification from the Airline confirming reason for the delay; and
  • Proof of additional expenses
Luggage Delay
  • Airline baggage irregularity report or similar confirming delay; and
  • Proof of additional expenses
Loss of: Baggage; or Travel Documents
  • Any document that demonstrates proof of ownership; and
  • Any document that adequately supports the amount claimed (replacement invoices or repair quotes); and in the event of theft; and
  • A Police Report